How Bad Website Design Can Hurt Your Business

It doesn’t matter if you are considered one of the best lawyers in the world or you’ve invented the car that drives itself.

If your website design is poor, you will never receive the traffic you deserve.

The design of your website should be considered as the icing on the cake; the front door to your home; the first glance from your future spouse.

Your website design is the first thing that your visitors will see and the last thing if they leave!

If you are noticing that you are losing customers and potential clients before you’ve had a chance to sell your pitch, there are four major factors that can ruin a website.

Too Much Text

Too much text is one of the leading causes of lost traffic for all websites.

It is best to imagine yourself as a customer or future client and think about what kinds of things you are looking for when you reach a website.

The customer wants to see text, but it’s important to make it short and sweet.

Text that is easy to digest, such as shortlists or bulleted points, can help get the point across quickly so that your potential client can move on to the next area of your site for information.

Someone who is interested in the services you have to offer will continue to sift through each page of your site, but if your landing page is full of too much text, they won’t go any further.

Every detail does not need to be included in the first page of your website. Take it slow and let the details unfold naturally.

Pushy Registration

When it comes to website design, there isn’t really a necessity for the readers to register for the website unless they are interested in more information,

It is important and extremely helpful to a visitor to have a live chat option available, but keep the option available at the bottom of the screen or only allow the option to pop up one time during a visit from each customer.

A person who is constantly being nagged by a pop up window offering assistance from a live chat operator is not only going to be annoyed, but they are going to exit your website immediately even if they did like what you had to say.

Unresponsive Design

Responsive design is a new and popular way to format many websites so that they are accessible from all devices.

This article explains the importance of responsive website design and how approximately 6 billion people have mobile devices—and you can bet your pennies that many of them will be using their mobile devices to search through your website!

If you operate a website that does not adapt to different sized screens and different devices, this can cause issues and problems for the reader who is trying to visit each web page.

When a visitor encounters problems that provide them with a poor experience, they may never return or may exit before retrieving any contact information from your site.

Boring Design

Even boring industries have found a way to succeed on the Internet with their websites by creating pages that are exciting and pleasant to view.

Some of them use videos, pictures, and off-topic content to keep the visitor interested.

Contact For Top Website Designing

There are many different reasons why poor website design can cause you to lose business before you get a chance to change their minds.

At Coin Ideology Digital, we visualize success and want to do everything we can to give your visitors an experience with your website that they will never forget. 

Contact creative web design agency today at to find out how we can spruce up your website design and increase conversion rates for your business.

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