5 Marketing Strategies Post CoVid-19 (Coronavirus)

We already know very well that change is the rule of nature, everything changes with time. And those who adapt these changes with the same pace tend to be more successful than the rest of others.

There is a saying by Stephen Hawking“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”.

It is similar to the marketing trends, it keeps on changing. Something which is trending in the market right now might not be the same in the upcoming month.

The marketing strategies which were working very well a week ago might not provide the same result one week later. Especially in the current situation, when the entire world is hit by the CoVid-19 pandemic.

The marketing trends have been completely changed. Marketers can not use the same strategies which they were using previous to the pandemic.

The market across the globe have been affected adversely due to this pandemic, resulting in most of the business being digital, which leads to the rise in the number of Digital Marketing Jobs available currently in the market.

And marketing experts are now changing their marketing strategy completely to match the current marketing trends post CoVid-19. Let us discuss the marketing trends which will be most suitable post-CoVid-19 in detail.

Marketing Trends Post CoVid-19

If you want your business to stay at the top in your industry, you must understand your customers’ needs and understand the current marketing trends and plan your marketing strategies accordingly to meet your customers’ needs and provide value to them.

Here are some marketing strategies which will be effective post Covid-19.

1. Personalised Content

In the present era, it is very important for you to personalize the content according to your customers so that it provides value to them, not just showing them irrelevant marketing ads that are of no use, it will instead irritate the customers.

A survey of 1,000 people shows that 90% of them found personalization much more appealing and 80% accepted they’d be willing to give their business to a company that offered them a personalized experience.

2. Interactiveness

We all have heard this marking quote, “content is king”. It is still valid and will be valid even in the upcoming future. The more engaging and interactive contents like video contents, infographics, etc acquire more attention and allow users to spend more time on it.

Interactiveness of Visual Content
Interactiveness of Visual Content

This helps in creating a brand image of your business as if the people like your content they will be more engaged and will share it with their friends too. It is a win-win situation. As word of mouth is said to be more effective and free promotion of your business.

3. Shoppable Posts on Social Media

Since the CoVid-19 pandemic hit the world, people have been staying inside their home and spending more quality time with their family members and also working remotely from their home. As a result people started to spend most of their time using social media and browsing the internet.

Shoppable Posts on Social Media

In a survey report it was found that approx 72% of the user purchases a product right from their instagram app, and in another survey of more than 4,000 Pinterest users, it was found that 70% use Pinterest to find new and interesting products.

4. Google Ads

Google Ads has completely changed the typical ad strategies by providing the smart bidding and automation of the ads, it makes use of machine learning in order to optimize your bids, helping you in targeting more relevant audiences.

Google Ads Automation
Google Ads Automation

This provides you different options to maximise your conversion such as the ability to choose conversion action at the campaign level, to set your bids to change automatically when sales start or stop, to optimize bids over multiple campaigns with a chosen set of conversion actions, and many more.

5. Position Zero in SERP

The number one position of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is no more in the strategies, the recent top position of the SERP is the position zero of the SERP for which all the marketing experts are trying to rank their website, it can also be stated as the future of Digital Marketing.

the future of Digital Marketing 2020

It is a snippet of text appearing above the search results. This provides the most relevant information about the query which was searched by the user in the search engine, it is mostly preferred by the users as it provides the most relevant and quality of information.

There are several other marketing strategies which could be used after the CoVid-19 pandemic, if we start to include them all there will be no end to it. But these are some of the top marketing trends which you will find very effective post CoVid-19.

Every business industry is changing their strategies accordingly to provide more valuable and relevant products and services to their customers and trying to remain at the top of the industry, these top marketing trends will help you to achieve what you are aiming for.

The post 5 Marketing Strategies Post CoVid-19 (Coronavirus) appeared first on CoinIdeology.com.

source http://www.coinideology.com/marketing-post-covid-19


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