Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies For 2020

Despite the fact that the year is still a few months away, it is already possible to glimpse what the 2019 digital marketing strategies are going to be, forecasts that include certain novelties in a context in which paid media is acquiring a significant boom, The programmatic purchase tries to overcome the stumbling block of the General Data Protection Regulation and artificial intelligence advances silently but relentlessly.

New technologies and the most cutting-edge technological developments set the tone for a year, 2020, which is full of novelties.  how to adapt to these new scenarios in time will be ready to emerge when the time comes. Moment.

2020 Digital Marketing Strategies

Social shopping is just some of the most promising news that we are among the 2020 digital marketing strategies.

It goes without saying that the rise of the smartphone determines, to a greater or lesser extent, a large part of the marketing strategies for the coming year, so it goes without saying that our entire strategy must be focused on mobile, based on premises such as mobile firstAccelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) , facilities for m-commerce, mobile video or video ads.

Fast Content For Fast Users

The vertiginous escalation of the mobile phone to become the main mode of access to the Internet affects, to a great extent, the way in which the user queries and consumes content. According to the statistical portal Statista, Spain is the fifth country in the world where users spend the most time on their mobile phones, with an average of two hours and 11 minutes per person per day. The ubiquity of the smartphone means that we consume content almost anytime, anywhere and, in many cases, while we perform another task. That is why the time per session is narrow: on many occasions the user accesses just a few minutes and expects to be able to consume content in a quick, enjoyable and simple way.

A good dose of creativity and synthesis capacity is necessary to retain an audience. Increasingly difficult to captivate, it moves with great speed and devours content.

It is urgent to have stories to tell and tell them in seconds. Of course, you do not have to associate speed with low quality: fast content has nothing to do with fast food. In this case, in addition to being fast, it must be “nutritious” to satisfy the user’s information or leisure needs.

Context marketing and native advertising

The context marketing or marketing context becomes much more relevant than never, because new technologies allow more precise analysis. Knowing the audience and making appropriate use of the data for greater personalization of the content will be the key. Remember that the difference between content marketing and context marketing is in the degree of personalization that the latter requires.

In this sense, native advertising will continue to have a pull, but we must be careful: transparency will be increasingly necessary in these formats, in an ecosystem in which the user increasingly rejects advertising disguised as content. Again, adequacy and creativity are going to be the key when presenting promoted content on, for example, social networks, always attending to the context so that the user accepts it will be useful. According to data from the First Study of Content & Native Advertising, conducted by the IAB, 83% of advertisers use branded content or native advertising on a regular basis in their actions. Although it is not something new, Context marketing should be considered one of the 2020 digital marketing trends.

Programmatic video, a priority

According to Forbes magazine, more than 80% of all 2019 advertising video will be programmatic. From Honey Web Solutions we have been predicting the advantages of programmatic video for a long time, and all the data points to the fact that its final consolidation will take place next year. Its boost, among other factors, will be favored by the rise of VOD (Video on demand). The mobile environment – with a larger screen size and faster connection speed – has also placed video in the consumer’s spotlight.

On the advertiser side, improved standards for technology and metrics have fueled increased demand for programmatic video. The evolution of formats and improvements in positioning offer brands many more alternatives of contact with their target audience, due to the many creative possibilities. In addition, the video has uniformity in terms of analysis.

The programmatic video is cited among the 2019 digital marketing strategies for its three main advantages: its segmentation capacity, which makes the investment go much further and leads to a greater conversion; the possibility of constant communication with a hyper connected and multi-device audience , who expect a unique brand experience through tailored stories; and that thanks to personalization, users have a more rewarding advertising experience, which results in a better perception of the brand. Thus, programmatic video is already essential when developing a successful advertising strategy.

Social commerce and the weight of the community

According to data from The Social Commerce Report, compiled by Business Insider, the top 500 distributors worldwide earned close to $ 6.5 billion in 2017 thanks to social commerce, an increase of 24% in just one year. E-commerce should not lose sight of a growing strategy: social purchases are normalizing, a fact that has been favoured by the creation of new forms of social ads.

Specifically, Instagram Shopping has contributed to its momentum since its launch in Spain six months ago. Social purchases represent the logical evolution of Internet shopping and that is why they are positioned among the 2019 digital marketing strategies. In addition to Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest, they have specific e-commerce functionalities, such as purchase buttons and personalized markets. They are no longer intermediaries, favoring a change in the way consumers buy.

Social buyers have the particularity of belonging to a digital community, which makes them participants in the sales process. In addition, this sales channel favors the entry into the market of small brands and independent sellers. Now brands, in addition to using social channels as a showcase, can use them as a store. The consumer has gone one step further: from discovery it has gone to the direct search for products, as in any marketplace. This is good news for the retail sector.

Mobile commerce: the store in your pocket

As we have already pointed out above, mobile browsing does not stop growing. A user increasingly familiar with this device is increasingly prone to buying online. M-commerce, soon, will be the only reality. In Spain, the users that connect to the Internet through mobile phones are 35.8 million, according to data from the report “Digital in 2018” prepared by Hootsuite.

According to data from our latest study on “Evolution and prospects of e-commerce for 2018”, in 2017 55% of Spanish online businesses made less than 25% of total sales via mobile. In the forecasts for 2018, digital merchants who do not expect to exceed this figure are still 50%. This tendency to stagnation is only explained by a lack of will when it comes to betting on mobile as the first sales channel. It is still paradoxical, considering that 92% of Internet users have made an online purchase, according to data from the 20th edition of the annual survey Internet surfers  of the Association for Media Research (AIMC), carried out by the General Media Study (EGM) Let’s get down to business!

Marketing automation for greater precision

Automating marketing actions not only helps reduce costs, but also allows you to have a more global vision to make better decisions. The marketing automation is one of the digital marketing strategies 2019 with higher projections, it is known that decreases up to 25% costs of generating leads. In fact, according to data from Focus Research, 75% of companies that implement a marketing automation strategy experience ROI growth after 12 months.

The main areas in which to apply marketing automation are the generation of engagement with the product, the automation of repetitive marketing processes and machine learning based on data (lead nurturing and lead scoring). Thus, e-mailing campaigns, re-engagement, automatic interaction with users, and segmentation of contacts or assigning a property to a set of them, are tasks that will greatly benefit from an adequate process of automation.

Voice marketing and brands that speak with their own voice

The era of the voice has begun. While voice searches are experiencing a meteoric rise and virtual voice assistants (already included in smartphones) proliferate, smart speakers are beginning to gain a foothold in our homes. Google Home, Echo or Home Pod are going to change not only how we relate to the home environment of smart homes, but also how we interact with the Internet. We are moving towards a predominant voice interface, a new navigation concept that companies must begin to adapt to. Why? Voice search and voice commerce are already drawing new realities.

One of the 2020 digital marketing trends with the greatest projection in the coming years is voice marketing. That the requests of the users are made by means of a voice order will imply that the response they obtain, at least in the first instance, is also spoken. Our brand must prepare for it from this moment, looking for a personality that is transmitted through the voice, creating a sound brand and pioneering the positioning for voice search. Always, yes, from a conversational approach, where the machine will know how to understand the user’s requests and give a precise response.

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