What is Blockchain Marketing, and How Does It Work?
Product placement occurs commonly in the realm of modern marketing. Marketing teams are constantly competing for our attention, whether it is through sponsor names on NBA jerseys, big billboards, building ads that are displayed alongside your morning train journey, or targeted web ads. It is estimated that by 2027, the global digital advertising and marketing market will grow to a value of $950 billion, more than twice where it was in 2022. But as the sector has expanded, difficulties and inefficiencies have surged too. For instance, the industry has lost billions of dollars in a consequential problem that is currently known as ‘advertising fraud.’ Along with this, there are so many types of Cryptocurrency scams that are taking place nowadays, where the victims are losing their sensitive information to the scammers. However, with its decentralised ledger technology and cost-saving transparency, blockchain advertising and marketing is eligible to provide a quick fix for these frau...