How to Convert Black Hat SEO Techniques into the White Hat?
In the field of SEO, we need to follow certain guidelines. The rules are designed to create a useful, relevant, and safe environment and to ensure a quality user experience. Ranking requires keeping up with current and changing SEO trends and constantly adapting your approach to respond to algorithm updates. On the other hand, there are people (spammers) who try to trick search engines and bring organic traffic to their websites to obey the rules but break them instead. Black Hat SEO strategies make the content duplicate, these links become unrelated content and well-placed keywords become keywords. And it shows something very important. This shows us that a good SEO strategy is like a black hat strategy. You just have to do it in moderation. And it also means that as a white-hat SEO strategist, you can learn some tricks from a black SEO strategist. Let’s face it, you and Black Hat SEO want the same thing. They both want to claim your search traffic pie, which makes up 93% of t...